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Your monthly budget
While you’re at uni, you’ll have bills and fees to pay – so it’s important to know how much you’re spending each month, and whether you have enough money to cover everything.
Your monthly budget is the amount of money coming into your bank account each month.
If some of your income is paid when you need it or annually – perhaps you’ve got some savings to dip into, or you receive an annual grant – divide the total figure by 12 to get a monthly figure.
Enter as many details as you can below, and then we’ll move onto your outgoings.
Total £0.00
Your monthly spending
Many of your monthly costs will be unavoidable – like rent, transport, food and bills – but with a little planning, you can make your money go further.
Enter as many details below as you can, and try not to underestimate what you spend, especially on things like going out and clothes shopping – if you do, you might find your money disappears quicker than you’re expecting.
Total £0.00
Your totals
In £0.00
Out £0.00
Total £0.00
Good news – the money you receive each month just about covers your spending.
It’s worth thinking about reducing your outgoings or increasing your income, so you have a little buffer between the two – which can come in handy for the sort of unexpected expenses you might encounter at uni (like a higher-than-usual phone bill or a bigger-than-anticipated night out).