Research outputs
Rarity of precession and higher-order multipoles in gravitational waves from merging binary black holes
Fairhurst, S., Hoy, C. G., Mandel, I.
22 Jan 2025, In: Physical Review D. 111, 2, p. 1-14, 14p., 023037
A rapid multi-modal parameter estimation technique for LISA
Harry, I., Hoy, C. G., Nuttall, L., Weaving, C. R.
19 Dec 2024, In: Classical and Quantum Gravity. 41, 24, 28p., 245012
A search using GEO600 for gravitational waves coincident with fast radio bursts from SGR 1935+2154
Cabourn Davies, G. S., Edy, O. P., Harry, I. W., Hoy, C. G., Lundgren, A., Macas, R., Nuttall, L., Tolley, A. E., Weaving, C. R., Williams, M. J.
18 Dec 2024, In: The Astrophysical Journal. 977, 2, 27p., 255
Search for eccentric black hole coalescences during the third observing run of LIGO and Virgo
Abac, A. G., Abbott, R., Abe, H., Acernese, F., Ackley, K., Adamcewicz, C., Adhicary, S., Adhikari, N., Adhikari, R. X., Adkins, V. K., Adya, V. B., Affeldt, C., Agarwal, D., Agathos, M., Aguiar, O. D.,
1 Oct 2024, In: Astrophysical Journal. 973, 2, 27p., ad65ce
Ultralight vector dark matter search using data from the KAGRA O3GK run
Abac, A. G., Abbott, R., Adhikari, R. X., Anand, S., Ananyeva, A., Anderson, S. B., Anderson, W. G., Andrić, T., Appert, S., Arai, K., Araya, M. C., Bai, Y., Barayoga, J. C., Barish, B. C., Beroiz, M.,
15 Aug 2024, In: Physical Review D. 110, 4, 21p., 042001
Search for gravitational-lensing signatures in the full third observing run of the LIGO-Virgo network
Abbott, R., Abe, H., Acernese, F., Ackley, K., Adhicary, S., Adhikari, N., Adhikari, R. X., Adkins, V. K., Adya, V. B., Affeldt, C., Agarwal, D., Agathos, M., Aguiar, O. D., Aiello, L., Ain, A., Ajith, P.,
31 Jul 2024, In: Astrophysical Journal. 970, 2, 28p., 191
Observation of gravitational waves from the coalescence of a 2.5–4.5Me compact object and a neutron star
Abac, A. G., Abbott, R., Abouelfettouh, I., Acernese, F., Ackley, K., Adhicary, S., Adhikari, N., Adhikari, R. X., Adkins, V. K., Agarwal, D., Agathos, M., Aghaei Abchouyeh, M., Aguiar, O. D., Aguilar, I.,
26 Jul 2024, In: Astrophysical Journal Letters. 970, 2, 39p., L34
Revisiting the cosmic string origin of GW190521
Aurrekoetxea, J., Hannam, M., Hoy, C. G.
3 May 2024, In: Physical Review Letters. 132, 18, 8p., 181401
Search for gravitational-wave transients associated with magnetar bursts in advanced LIGO and advanced Virgo data from the Third Observing Run
Abbott, R., Abe, H., Acernese, F., Ackley, K., Adhikari, N., Adhikari, R. X., Adkins, V. K., Adya, V. B., Affeldt, C., Agarwal, D., Agathos, M., Agatsuma, K., Aggarwal, N., Aguiar, O. D., Aiello, L.,
1 May 2024, In: Astrophysical Journal. 966, 1, 32p., 137
BILBY in space: Bayesian inference for transient gravitational-wave signals observed with LISA
Hoy, C. G., Nuttall, L.
1 Apr 2024, In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 529, 3, p. 3052-3059