Teaching Fellow in Law and Level 5 Lead Tutor with additional research interests
2014 : LLM in International Law, Univeristy of Sussex
2020: PhD in Law, Univeristy of Sussex
2017-2020: Doctoral/Associate Tutor in Law, University of Sussex
2019-2020: Part Time Hourly Paid Lecturer, University of Portsmouth
2020-Present: Teaching Fellow in Law, University of Portsmouth
Research interests
Public International Law
International Humanitarian Law
International Criminal law
International & domestic Human Rights Law
Use of Force In International Law
Direct Participation in Hostilities
My PhD focused on the use of human shields under international huamanitarian law and I hold a particular interest in the rules governing civilian protection during armed conflict such as the princple of distinction, the rule of proportionality and the rule of direct participation.
Teaching responsibilities
Public International Law
International Law and Armed Conflict
Human Rights Law
Land Law
Tort Law
(formerly) Public Law