
I am a part time Principal Lecturer in Human and Applied Physiology in the School of Sport, Health and Exercise Science. After gaining my PhD in physiology at the University of Sheffield I worked as a research fellow for six years at the Universities of Surrey and Portsmouth before becoming a lecturer in 2001. I teach on various undergraduate and postgraduate physiology modules as well as supervising research projects. I was lead for the School's Athena Swan submissions for 6 years and a member of the Science Faculty Research Ethics Committee for 16 years. My main research interest is human physiology in extreme environments with a particular focus on the cold.

Research interests

My research interests are in human and applied physiology in extreme environments. Although I have conducted research on the effects of heat and altitude on performance, my main focus has been on the effects of cold including survival in cold water and the pathophysiology of non-freezing cold injury.

Research outputs


The effect of repeated hot water immersion on vascular function, blood pressure and central haemodynamics in individuals with Type 2 diabetes mellitus

Allard, S., Bailey, S. J., Belcher, H., Corbett, J., Cummings, M., Eglin, C., James, T. J., Perissiou, M., Piccolo, D. D., Saynor, Z. L., Shepherd, A. I., Tipton, M.

1 Dec 2024, In: Journal of Thermal Biology. 126, 10p., 104017

Inexperienced water users can “Float to Live” in realistic open water conditions

Eglin, C., Long, G., Massey, H., Mayhew, A., Tipton, M.

29 Jul 2024, In: BMC Public Health. 24, 18p., 2030

Evaluation of online information on the cold shock response to accidental immersion in cold water

Eglin, C., Massey, H., Wilson, A.

9 Jul 2024, In: International Journal of Aquatic Research and Education

Nitrate ingestion blunts the increase in blood pressure during cool air exposure: a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized, crossover trial

Arnold, J. T., Bailey, S. J., Da boit, M., Eglin, C. M., Fujii, N., James, L. J., Lloyd, A. B., O'Donnell, E., Rowland, S. N., Shepherd, A. I.

1 Jun 2024, In: Journal of Applied Physiology. 136

Habituation of the cold shock response: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Barwood, M. J., Eglin, C., Hills, S. P., Johnston, N., Massey, H., McMorris, T., Tipton, M. J., Wakabayashi, H., Webster, L.

1 Jan 2024, In: Journal of Thermal Biology. 119, 16p., 103775


View all my research outputs