Emre Cinar Portrait

Dr Emre Cinar

Associate Professor in Public Sector Innovation


PhD Supervisor

View my research outputs


I am a Senior Lecturer in the Strategy, Enterprise and Innovation Subject Group at Portsmouth Business School.


I have joined Portsmouth Business School as a Lecturer in 2018. Previously, I worked as a civil servant and was involved in many digital and social innovation projects.

Research interests

My research interests lie in the field of Public Sector Innovation and SDGs such as collaborative public sector innovation, SDGs oriented public sector innovation and the impact of context on public sector innovation. In particular, I am currently interested in studying these subjects in different contexts (e.g. Pacific, Middle East and Asia) from a comparative perspective. 

Teaching responsibilities

I teach on a variety of undergraduate and postgraduate modules in the areas of Innovation Management, Public Management, Risk Management and Research Methods across the Faculty of Business and Law and the Graduate School. I am also module coordinator on following modules

Msc Business and Management ,Innovation and Enterpreneurship Specialism

Msc Business and Management, Research Project

Research outputs


Public sector entrepreneurship: an integrative review

Cinar, E., Clausen, T. H., Demircioglu, M. A., Gullmark, P., Vivona, R.

23 Sep 2024, In: Small Business Economics, 25p.

Innovation for sustainable development goals: a comparative study of the obstacles and tactics in public organizations

Cinar, E., Demircioglu, M. A., Simms, C., Suchitwarasan, C.

27 Jun 2024, In: The Journal of Technology Transfer

Public sector innovation in a city state: exploring innovation types and national context in Singapore

Acik, A. C., Cinar, E., Demircioglu, M. A., Simms, C.

1 Mar 2024, In: Research Policy. 53, 2, 14p., 104915


Public sector innovation for sustainable development goals: A comparative study of innovation types in Thailand and Korea

Cinar, E., Kim, J. Y., Simms, C., Suchitwarasan, C.

30 Nov 2023, In: Australian Journal of Public Administration, 22p.

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