Dr Harry Desmond
I joined the ICG as a Senior Research Fellow in January 2022, supported by a Royal Society URF. Before that I was a McWilliams Fellow at Carnegie Mellon University, and before that a Junior Research Fellow at St John's College, Oxford. I obtained my PhD from Stanford University in 2017.
Research interests
I am interested primarily in developing new tests of the standard model of cosmology (gravity and/or dark sector physics) using astrophysical objects, mainly galaxies and stars. My work ranges from pure theory, through N-body and hydrodynamical simulations to statistical data analysis. I am also interested in galaxy formation and how best to characterise the relation between galaxies and their host dark matter halos.
Research outputs
Evaluating the variance of individual halo properties in constrained cosmological simulations
Desmond, H., Devriendt, J., Slyz, A., Stiskalek, R.
1 Nov 2024, In: MNRAS. 534, 4, 13p.
Symmetry in Hyper Suprime-Cam galaxy spin directions
Desmond, H., Stiskalek, R.
1 Nov 2024, In: Research Notes of the AAS. 8, 11, 3p., 281
No evidence for anisotropy in galaxy spin directions
Desmond, H., Patel, D.
3 Oct 2024, In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 534, 2, p. 1553–1560, 8p.
Testing screened modified gravity with SDSS-IV-MaNGA
Desmond, H., Koyama, K., Landim, R. G., Penny, S.
1 Oct 2024, In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 534, 1, p. 349–360
SYREN-HALOFIT: A fast, interpretable, high-precision formula for the ΛCDM nonlinear matter power spectrum
Bartlett, D. J., Desmond, H., Ferreira, P. G., Wandelt, B. D., Zennaro, M.
5 Jun 2024, In: Astronomy and Astrophysics. 686, 11p., A150
A precise symbolic emulator of the linear matter power spectrum
Alonso, D., Bartlett, D. J., Burlacu, B., Desmond, H., Ferreira, P. G., Kammerer, L., Kronberger, G., Wandelt, B. D., Zennaro, M.
1 Jun 2024, In: Astronomy and Astrophysics. 686, 9p., A209
On the tension between the radial acceleration relation and Solar system quadrupole in modified gravity MOND
Desmond, H., Famaey, B., Hees, A.
1 May 2024, In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 530, 2, p. 1781-1795, 15p.
Optimal inflationary potentials
Bartlett, D. J., Desmond, H., Ferreira, P. G., Sousa, T.
15 Apr 2024, In: Physical Review D. 109, 8, 15p., 083524