I am a lecturer in Accounting in the School of Accounting, Economics and Finance. I was awarded a PhD in 2023 from University of Nottingham. My thesis was titled 'Two-tier Boards in China: its Dynamics and Functions'. I have held the certifitcate of management accountant, USA. Before joining Portsmouth, I worked for the University of Nottingham and Nottingham Trent University.
Research interests
My research expertise is comparative corporate governance and the mixed-method research design (i.e., regression analysis and semi-structured interviews). My current interest focuses on behavioural governance, understanding behaviour of key governance actors and their consequenses across institutional environments. I would like to contribute to reseach collaboration and projects that relate to any of the following areas:
- Board behaviour and bynamics
- Comparative corporate governance
- Political connections and capability
- Environmental and corporate social responsibility
- Financial reporting quality