
My research involves liaison with legal professionals, police officers and social workers. I have investigated numerous issues regarding the detection of deception including nonverbal cues to deceit, the analysis and application of Criteria-Based Content Analysis and the perceptions of people with regard to cues to deceit. I took a two-year PostDoc Research Associate post at the University of Wales, Swansea working on a Leverhulme Trust funded project entitled, 'The influence of sleep loss, personality and confidence on eyewitness suggestibility'. I am currently working on projects including (i)  the detection of malingering in the medico-legal setting, (ii) cognitive load as experienced by investigiative interviewers and the effect of cognitive load on interviewers' performance (with Pam Hanway), (iii)  training police officers to self-assess their investigative interviews with vulnerable witnesses to mitigate against skills fade and (iv) interviewing to elicit accurate information from pre-school aged children (with Mikaela Magnusson).  I am the Head of the Department of Psychology and a Reader in Psychology and Law.

Research interests

The investigative interviewing of children and vulnerable adults.

Detecting deception, and promoting honesty, in child witnesses.

Detecting malingering in the medico-legal setting.

The analysis and application of Statement Validity Assessment (and more specifically Criteria-Based Content Analysis) as a method for judging credibility in transcripts of investigative interviews.

The lie detection accuracy of lay people, professionals and offenders.

Cues to deceit for vulnerable populations (e.g. children, second language speakers).

Research outputs


Who said what? The effects of cognitive load on source monitoring and memory for multiple witnesses' accounts

Akehurst, L., Hanway, P., Hope, L., Vernham, Z.

27 Nov 2024, In: Applied Cognitive Psychology. 38, 6, 9p., e70011


Police officers' perceptions and experiences of promoting honesty with child victims and witnesses

Akehurst, L., Cassidy, H., Salhab, G. B., Talwar, V.

24 Oct 2023, In: Legal and Criminological Psychology

View all my research outputs