Dr Mick Harper
I am Reader in Innovative Teaching and Learning and enjoy identifying new ways of working, teaching and collaborating in courses for our partners and service users. I have always been keen to develop alternative learning strategies for health professional education and have a lead role in the facilities design, curriculum development and management of high and low fidelity simulation learning activities for students of all types, backgrounds and abilities.
Research interests
Development of hybrid learning approaches deployed across multi-professional courses
Advancing theory/practice continuum using learning technology resources
Accelerating learning and safety
Professionalisation of adult clinical learners
Staff development and management of innovative learning technologies
Continuous Professional Develoment
Enhancing Perioperative Care through the use of technology
Use of robotics in colorectal surgery
Research outputs
Structured training pathway for robotic colorectal surgery: short‐term outcomes from five UK centres
Ahmad, M., Farooq, G., Harper, M., Koc, M. A., Mavrantonis, S., Panteleimonitis, S., Parvaiz, A., Qureshi, T., Sanjay, C., Shakil, A., Thomas, M. S., Tou, S.
1 Nov 2024, In: Colorectal Disease. 26, 11, p. 1965-1970, 6p.
“This is how I'm going to do it, but this is not how you're going to do it”: the expectation gap between student paramedics and mentors in East and Central Scotland
Hamer, E., Harper, M., Jadzinski, P., Jouanny, C., Mohrsen, S. A., Worsfold, M. E.
3 Apr 2024, In: BMC Medical Education. 24, 1, 11p., 368
Robotic beyond total mesorectal excision (TME) for locally advanced or recurrent rectal cancer: a systematic review protocol
Harper, M., Khan, J. S., Mills, G. A., Panagiotopoulou, I. G., Piozzi, G. N., Przedlacka, A.
25 Jan 2024, In: BMJ Open. 14, 1, 4p., e080043