Paraskevas Kipouros Portrait

Dr Paraskevas Kipouros


I have a BSc in  Economics from the University of Macedonia, Greece,  an MSc in Energy Economics and Policy from the University of Surrey, UK and awarded a PhD in Economics from University of Surrey in June 2018. I joined University of Portsmouth in September 2018 as Teaching Fellow. Before joining the University of Portsmouth, he was Associate Lecturer in Queen Mary University of London and Teaching Assistant in University of Surrey.

Research interests

My PhD Thesis investigates relative aggregate energy efficiency for a panel of 39 developing countries using two stochastic frontier analysis (SFA) approaches over the period 1989 to 2008. The first adopts an energy demand function approach and the second an energy distance function approach.

My main strands of research are: Energy and Environmental Economics and Policy, areas of research where empirical tools can solve real world problems.

Teaching responsibilities

Current teaching resopsibiities include:  Contracts, Market Competition and Regulation, Industrial Organisation, Statistics for Economics, Intermediate Microeconomic and Data and Research Methods for Economics. In the past I have  taught Econometrics, Commercial and Investment Banking, Alternative Investments, Data Analysis, Microeconomics and Game Theory. 

Research outputs


The drivers of renewable energy: a global empirical analysis of developed and developing countries

Hunt, L., Kipouros, P., Lamprakis, Z.

13 Jun 2024, In: Energies. 17, 12, 19p., 2902

View all my research outputs