Dr Ali Onder
I am an applied economist using network tools to analyse influence, diffusion and innovation problems. I have a special interest in the economics of science, aiming to open the black box of academic and scientific production processes. I am willing to take postgraduate research students on related topics. For more detail please visit www.alisinaonder.com
Employment / Affiliation:
2018-… Senior Lecturer (permanent), Dept. of Econ and Finance, University of Portsmouth (UK)
2013-2018 Lecturer, Dept. of Economics, University of Bayreuth (Germany)
2009-… Affiliated Researcher, Uppsala Center for Fiscal Studies (Sweden)
2009-2012 Researcher, Department of Economics, Uppsala University (Sweden)
Ph.D. Economics, Vanderbilt University (USA), 2009
M.A. Economics, Vanderbilt University (USA), 2005
B.S. Economics, Middle East Technical University (Turkey), 2002
Research interests
My research broadly covers areas in applied microeconomics (especially public economics, political economy, and empirical network analysis), international economics, and economics of science (focusing on education, labour, and innovation). For details see www.alisinaonder.com
Teaching responsibilities
Managerial and Decision Economics (Undergrad), University of Portsmouth
Microeconomics (Undergrad), University of Portsmouth
Economic and Social Network Analysis (Postgrad), University of Bayreuth
Development Economics (Undergrad), University of Bayreuth
Economics of Science (Postgrad), University of Bayreuth
Fiscal Competition and Federalism (Postgrad), University of Bayreuth
Network Analysis (Mini course for Postgrad), Queensland University of Technology
Topics in Microeconomics -Public Economics (Postgrad), Uppsala University
Intermediate Microeconomics (Undergrad), Bogazici University
Economic Statistics (Undergrad), Vanderbilt University
Media availability
Happy to discuss about the science of science.
Research outputs
Leadership in scholarship: Editors' appointments and scientific narrative
Onder, A., Popov, S., Schweitzer, S.
30 Dec 2024, In: Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 40p., e12413
Women in STEM graduate education: case of the German Excellence Initiative
Onder, A.
20 Feb 2024, In: Higher Education Quarterly
Fritz Neumark'in Gözünden Üniversite, Vergi ve Türkiye
Onder, A.
14 Jul 2023, In: Iktisat ve Toplum. 153, 6p.
German-Jewish scholars in Turkish exile: from the Winter of Despair under Nazism to the Spring of Hope in Turkish academia
Kunuroglu, F., Onder, A.
30 Jan 2023, In: Migration Letters. 20, 1, p. 25-37