Research outputs


Estimating primary substation boundaries and the value of mapping Great Britain's electrical network infrastructure

Barbour, E., Cárdenas, B., Day, J., Donaldson, D. L., Garvey, S. D., Jones, C. R., Urquhart, A. J., Wilson, I. A. G.

1 Dec 2024, In: Applied Energy. 376, Part B, 13p., 124242

The clock is ticking: understanding the ‘mixed feelings’ about fusion energy in Europe

Bustreo, C., Ferencz, Z., Geysmans, R., Giacometti, A., Jones, C. R., Kenens, J., Lamut, U., Meskens, G., Oltra, C., Orlando, M. T., Povh, J., Turcanu, C., Čok, V.

1 Jul 2024, In: Energy Research and Social Science. 113, 17p., 103538

Exploring public perceptions of indoor air quality under different quasi-experimental conditions: a UK case study

Emygdio, A. P. M., Jones, C. R., Kumar, P., Omidvarborna, H., Seymour, V., Valappil, A. k., Xenitidou, M.

14 Jun 2024, In: Advances in Building Energy Research, 23p.

Exploring perceptions of smart, modular living in the UK: a think aloud study

Gatersleben, B., Gilbert, N., Hodgkins, C. E., Jones, C. R., Ratcliffe, E., Seymour, V., Timotijevic, L., Xenitidou, M.

11 May 2024, In: Behaviour & Information Technology

Modelling public intentions to use innovative EV chargers employing hybrid energy storage systems: a UK case study based upon the Technology Acceptance Model

Chudasama, N., Cruden, A., East, D., Elgueta, H., Jones, C. R., Kaklamanou, D.

14 Mar 2024, In: Energies. 17, 6, 24p., 1405

Public acceptance of smart home technologies in the UK: a citizens’ jury study

Gatersleben, B., Gilbert, N., Hodgkins, C. E., Jones, C. R., Ratcliffe, E., Seymour, V., Timotijevic, L., Xenitidou, M.

8 Jan 2024, In: Journal of Decision Systems


Perceptions of accountability and trust in the regulatory governance of wood burning stove sustainability: Survey evidence from the post-Brexit UK

Chakraborty, R., Day, M., Jones, C. R., Mensah, G., Smith, J. K., Styring, P., Wood, C., Wood, M.

1 Jun 2023, In: Energy Policy. 177, 9p., 113549

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