Professor Giampaolo Viglia
I am a Professor of Marketing at the Faculty of Business and Law (part-time appointment). I am also the Research Lead for the Marketing Subject Group, the Editor-in-Chief of Psychology & Marketing (3 ABS) and one of the Associate Editors of Annals of Tourism Research (4 ABS) and Journal of Business Research (3 ABS).
My research interests revolve around consumer decision-making, pricing, services, including tourism and hospitality marketing.
I have published, reviewed and guest-edited for top journals in my field, such as the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, the Journal of Retailing, the International Journal of Research in Marketing, the Journal of Product Innovation Management and the Journal of Service Research (4* and 4 ABS journals in Marketing).
I now sit on the Editorial Boards of Tourism Management (4 ABS), Journal of Service Research (4 ABS), Journal of Travel Research (4 ABS), Journal of Advertising Research (3 ABS), International Journal of Hospitality Management (3 ABS), and Journal of Services Marketing (2 ABS). I am also one of the Associate Editors of Service Industries Journal (2 ABS) and Tourism Review (1 ABS).
I enjoy supervising Ph.D. students and early career researchers who aspire to an academic career and have a passion for research. The outcome of such collaborations (i.e., where Ph.D. students are first authors) has appeared in journals like the Journal of Interactive Marketing, the Journal of Advertising, Industrial Marketing Management and European Journal of Marketing (3 ABS journals).
Here you can get access to my Linkedin and Google Scholar profile.
I am the Academic Lead of a Knowledge Transfer Partnership with Fresh Relevance, a B2B company focusing on artificial intelligence in Marketing (total value of the bid £ 221.875). I have also participated in projects financed by the European Commission on food science.
I obtained my first PhD in Applied Statistics for Business from the University of Turin (Italy, 2012). I have then moved to Spain and got a second PhD in Marketing from the University Pompeu Fabra (2015).
After working as a Senior Lecturer at Bournemouth University (UK), I was initially appointed as a Reader at the University of Portsmouth in 2017 and became a Professor and the Research Lead for the Marketing Subject Group thereafter.
Currently, the Marketing group has 50 outputs of either world leading or internationally excellent quality (4 or 3 ABS), with a jump of 13 positions in rankings (The Complete University Guide) since 2016.
Research interests
My research interests lie in the areas of pricing, consumer decision-making, and online reputation. Methodologically, I enjoy both quantitative studies and conducting field experiments. My approach is interdisciplinary, drawing on economics, management, and psychology.
My current research interests include:
- The reasons behind the success of the so-called “sharing economy”
- New participative pricing mechanisms
- The impact of dynamic price variability on revenue maximisation
- Understanding decision making processes in retailing and consumer services
- Behavioural pricing in marketing
I am interested in supervising new doctoral students doing work close to the above-indicated areas.
Teaching responsibilities
I teach marketing analytics and marketing strategy at PG level. I also lead units on research methods at PhD level. I have contributed to the development of new international agreements in Italy and in Spain, including Ramon Llull University and Università della Valle d'Aosta.
Research outputs
Managing deepfakes with artificial intelligence: Introducing the business privacy calculus
Liyanaarachchi, G., Vecchietti, G., Viglia, G.
1 Jan 2025, In: Journal of Business Research. 186, 10p., 115010
Cross-cultural determinants of global account management: Findings from B2B services
Kooli, K., Lautenschlager, C., Tzempelikos, N., Viglia, G.
14 Nov 2024, In: Industrial Marketing Management. 123, 14p.
Females wanna-be entrepreneurs need empathic heroes
Bonanni, C., Stervinou, S., Viglia, G.
6 Nov 2024, In: International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 21p.
If you want to learn about real behaviour, measure real behaviour
Acuti, D., Dolnicar, S., Nicolau, J. L., Viglia, G.
3 Oct 2024, In: Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 32, 11, p. 2245-2257, 13p.
The use of synthetic data in tourism
Adler, S. J., Lancelot Miltgen, C., Sarstedt, M., Viglia, G.
1 Sep 2024, In: Annals of Tourism Research. 108, 5p., 103819
It’s a pleasure to stay sustainably: Leveraging hedonic appeals in tourism and hospitality
Lasarov, W., Trabandt, M., Viglia, G.
1 Aug 2024, In: Tourism Management. 103, 15p., 104907
When powerful artificial intelligence backfires
Viglia, G.
1 Jul 2024, In: International Journal of Hospitality Management. 120, 10p., 103778
Addressing challenges of digital transformation with modified blockchain
Kurtaliqi, F., Liyanaarachchi, G. P., Viglia, G.
1 Apr 2024, In: Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 201, 10p., 123254
Virtual influencers and data privacy: Introducing the multi-privacy paradox
Liyanaarachchi, G. P., Mifsud, M., Viglia, G.
1 Apr 2024, In: Journal of Business Research. 176, 11p., 114584
Using advanced mixed methods approaches: Combining PLS-SEM and qualitative studies
Kurtaliqi, F., Lancelot Miltgen, C., Pantin-Sohier, G., Viglia, G.
1 Feb 2024, In: Journal of Business Research. 172, 14p., 114464