Dr Iris Nomikou
I am a Senior Lecturer and Deputy Director of the Research Centre for Interaction Development and Diversity. I am also the Department Equity Diversity and Inclusion Lead.
I joined Portsmouth University in 2016. Before that I was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Paderborn and Bielefeld University in Germany, and was working on a project on early games, social routines and infant’s developing participation as well as a project on early language development. My interest in language as social coordination led me to my PhD project which I completed in Bielefeld, Germany in 2014 on the interactional foundations of language development. Before that I studied Languages and Linguistics at the Ionian University, Greece and worked as a translator.
Research interests
I am interested in early caregiver-child interactions with a particular interest in pre-verbal communication, language development, and language socialisation. I am particulartly interested in the diverse pathways towards language and therefore also conduct research on individual and cultural variability in learning and development.
Teaching responsibilities
I teach on our undergraduate BSc Psychology. I coordinate the Level 6 module Language and Communication. In the past I have also taught Qualitative Research Methods in the Level 5 module Psychological Research Methods. I am a tutor for Level 4 & 5 students and I also supervise PhD students, Masters students and undergraduate project students.
Research outputs
Young sanctuary-living chimpanzees produce more communicative expressions with artificial objects than with natural objects
Davila Ross, M., Gibson, V., Nomikou, I., Salphati, S., Somogyi, E., Taylor, D. J.
23 Oct 2024, In: Royal Society Open Science. 11, 10, 18p., 240632