Mr Jonathan Rowe
I am an Associate Head of School, covering the areas of Curriculum and Partnerships for the School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering.
I am also a Senior Teaching Fellow in the areas of Design Engineering, Product Design and Advanced Manufacturing.
I am currently undertaking a PhD: investigating the field of product/component design, utilising generative design and topology optimisation methods with a focus on sustainable product development and manufacture.
Other Responsibilities:
Disability Coordinator for the School, Admissions Tutor for the Product Design course and all Mechanical Postgraduate courses in our school.
Institution of Engineering Designers (IED)
Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)
Course Leader:
I have previously been the Course Leader for the Product Design and Innovation BSc course.
Teaching responsibilities
I currently teach mostly on Product Design modules, but have previously taught across various areas of Mechanical Engineering at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. I oversee final year project students for Product/Industrial Design and Mechanical courses.
My teaching areas include Product/Industrial Design, Design Engineering, Computer Aided Design and Computer Aided Engineering. This includes CAD/CAM Modelling and Simulation, Technical Drawing, Technology Concepts (Mechanics), and Product Design topics such as Design Ideation, Research Methods, Intellectual Property, and Portfolio Design.
I am currently a Module Coordinator for two Product/Industrial Design modules: Research Methods for Product Designers (level 5), and Preparation for Product Launch (Level 6).