Dr Michael Williams
Research outputs
Search for eccentric black hole coalescences during the third observing run of LIGO and Virgo
Abac, A. G., Abbott, R., Abe, H., Acernese, F., Ackley, K., Adamcewicz, C., Adhicary, S., Adhikari, N., Adhikari, R. X., Adkins, V. K., Adya, V. B., Affeldt, C., Agarwal, D., Agathos, M., Aguiar, O. D.,
1 Oct 2024, In: Astrophysical Journal. 973, 2, 27p., ad65ce
Search for gravitational-lensing signatures in the full third observing run of the LIGO-Virgo network
Abbott, R., Abe, H., Acernese, F., Ackley, K., Adhicary, S., Adhikari, N., Adhikari, R. X., Adkins, V. K., Adya, V. B., Affeldt, C., Agarwal, D., Agathos, M., Aguiar, O. D., Aiello, L., Ain, A., Ajith, P.,
31 Jul 2024, In: Astrophysical Journal. 970, 2, 28p., 191
Observation of gravitational waves from the coalescence of a 2.5–4.5Me compact object and a neutron star
Abac, A. G., Abbott, R., Abouelfettouh, I., Acernese, F., Ackley, K., Adhicary, S., Adhikari, N., Adhikari, R. X., Adkins, V. K., Agarwal, D., Agathos, M., Aghaei Abchouyeh, M., Aguiar, O. D., Aguilar, I.,
26 Jul 2024, In: Astrophysical Journal Letters. 970, 2, 39p., L34
Search for gravitational-wave transients associated with magnetar bursts in advanced LIGO and advanced Virgo data from the Third Observing Run
Abbott, R., Abe, H., Acernese, F., Ackley, K., Adhikari, N., Adhikari, R. X., Adkins, V. K., Adya, V. B., Affeldt, C., Agarwal, D., Agathos, M., Agatsuma, K., Aggarwal, N., Aguiar, O. D., Aiello, L.,
1 May 2024, In: Astrophysical Journal. 966, 1, 32p., 137
Rapid generation of kilonova light curves using conditional variational autoencoder
Datrier, L., Hayes, F., Hendry, M., Heng, I. S., Kong, A. K., Lamb, G. P., Lin, E. T., Nicholl, M., Saha, S., Williams, D., Williams, M. J.
23 Jan 2024, In: Astrophysical Journal. 961, 2, 14p., 165
Search for gravitational waves associated with Fast Radio Bursts detected by CHIME/FRB during the LIGO-Virgo observing run O3a
Abbott, R., Abbott, T. D., Acernese, F., Ackley, K., Adams, C., Adhikari, N., Adhikari, R. X., Adya, V. B., Affeldt, C., Agarwal, D., Agathos, M., Agatsuma, K., Aggarwal, N., Aguiar, O. D., Aiello, L.,
28 Sep 2023, In: The Astrophysical Journal. 955, 2, 26p., 155
Importance nested sampling with normalising flows
Messenger, C., Veitch, J., Williams, M. J.
1 Sep 2023, In: Machine Learning: Science and Technology. 4, 3, 27p., 035011
Unpacking merger jets: a Bayesian analysis of GW170817, GW190425 and electromagnetic observations of short gamma-ray bursts
Hayes, F., Heng, I. S., Lamb, G., Lin, E., Veitch, J., Williams, M. J.
25 Aug 2023, In: The Astrophysical Journal. 954, 1, 15p., 92