Mrs Sarah Barton
Sarah has over 30 years’ experience in the field of early years’ education. After her initial careers as a nursery nurse and qualified primary school teacher she moved into training the next generation of early years practitioners and has spent 25 years teaching, training and lecturing in the post compulsory education sector. This included 4 years coordinating the Foundation Degree in Early Years Care and Education (FdA EYCE) in a further education college.
Sarah joined the University of Portsmouth in January 2011 as the Course Leader for Early Years Professional Status (EYPS). In addition to this she provided specialist tuition on the Foundation Degree (EYCE) and BA in Early Childhood Studies. Sarah engages in regular professional development to maintain her early years practitioner status which enables her to provide specialist support on a range of undergraduate and post graduate programmes including the newly created Early Years Initial Teacher Training programme leading to Early Years Teacher Status (EYTS) for which she is the Course Leader.Research interests
Sarah's research is focused on early years practitioner development. She routinely works with local and regional providers to identify practical application of contemporary theory as well as seeking to inform the field of research from a practitioner perspective. Key aspects of her research include: • Professional Voice of the Early Years Practitioner • Personal, Social and Emotional Development of the Young Child • Outdoor Education • Factors and Influence of Child Behaviour Sarah completed the Masters in Learning and Teaching in 2012 and is continuing research in her areas of interest. Current projects include working with a local nursery to explore their unique approach to supporting young children's emotional development in recognition of minimal local and national interventions and research with children under 3 years old. In addition, Sarah is collaborating on a project to determine the influence of adult decision making in young children's lives (primary age range).Teaching responsibilities
• Early Years and Primary Key Stage curricula • Supporting Children with Behaviour, Emotional and Social Difficulties • The Role of Play in Human Development • Early Childhood Cognitive and Language DevelopmentResearch outputs
Research into trainees
Barton, S., Fairchild, N., Mikuska, E., Sabine, A. J. W.
20 Jan 2023, In: Early Years Educator, 33p.