Dr Xiang Song
I was appointed as a Lecturer at the Department of Mathematics, University of Portsmouth in 2011. My research expertise is in the area of cutting and packing problems with a focus on column generation, dynamic programming and artificial intelligence. My research includes both the development of general mathematical theory, and the development and comparison of computational experiments.
My PhD was awarded in 2004 by two institutes: CIMS, Shenyang Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Dèpartement GSI, Université de Technologie de Troyes. I have worked in several EPSRC projects, and my results and active engagement have driven the projects and opened new research avenues. As a research assistant, I have worked in the project “An Investigation of Cutting/Packing and Planning using Automated Algorithm Selection” (Ref No: GR/S52414/01, 2004-2008). This project was funded by EPSRC and was evaluated as outstanding. As a senior research fellow, I have worked in another project “The LANCS (Lancaster, Nottingham, Cardiff and Southampton) Initiative in Foundational Operational Research: Building Theory for Practice”, (EP/F033214/1, 2008-2011), funded by EPSRC. This project has committed to a major expansion of research capacity in its theoretical foundations, supported by the additional resources available as a result of the current Science and Innovation call.
Research interests
- Logistics and transportation
- Supply chain management
- Cutting and packing