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An opportunity to drive positive change for young males in our city and beyond – and we want you to get involved

3 min read

Let's work together to improve the attainment of young males in our city.

In 2021, we hosted a CPD event in partnership with Beyond Equality, focused specifically on boys’ educational experiences and the impact on attainment. The event highlighted an appetite for collective action to champion boys' educational experiences and take action to make positive change for the attainment of disadvantaged young males in our city.

Building a community of practice

We’d like to bring together like-minded practitioners from in and around Portsmouth, who have a drive to improve the attainment of disadvantaged boys in their school and beyond, and who wish to learn from and share with others.

The community of practice will provide space to collaborate, to draw on a variety of expertise and experiences, and support schools in developing plans to tackle the challenges faced by boys in their own educational settings and the wider community. Want to get involved, just send us a message to get started.

Join the community of practice

CPD opportunities

As facilitators of the community of practice our aim is to support conversations, and shared learning as a group. To help provide opportunities for learning and discussion, we are working in partnership with Arts University Bournemouth and the University of Winchester to deliver a series of ‘Being a Boy’ CPD events for teachers and advisers. 

The series will showcase expert guest speakers, focusing on the educational challenges experienced by young, disadvantaged males. Examining attainment-related issues, the series will cover themes such as the concept of masculinity, peer pressure and mental health. 

If you would like to know more about the community of practice, or wish to be part of the meetings. Please get in touch: Upforuni@port.ac.uk