Picture of the House of Commons

Dr Devran Gülel presented her research into gender equality as part of the EU-funded RE-WIRING Project.

30 May 2024

2 minutes

Dr Devran Gülel, Research Fellow in the School of Organisations, Systems and People, presented her research into gender equality at the House of Lords last week at a special event on gender gaps in employment and enterprise.

The event, a collaboration between PWN London and the EU-funded RE-WIRING Project, of which Dr Gülel is a part of, gave guests the opportunity to network while simultaneously offering an incredibly engaging workshop, which explored a number of issues such as:

• Women’s representation in the workplace 
• Persistent gender gaps in leadership positions
• Innovative and practical solutions to eliminate gender gaps
• Strategies to 're-wire' institutions rather than 'fixing women'
• Personal experiences of participants navigating workplace biases

Events like these are crucial for raising awareness, fostering dialogue, and developing actionable strategies to advance gender equality in leadership. I look forward to continuing my research and advocacy efforts to dismantle systemic barriers, and create more inclusive workplaces where women can thrive and reach their full potential.

Dr Devran Gülel, Research Fellow in the School of Organisations, Systems and People

Devran Gulel and Karen Johnston at the House of Lords

Dr Devran Gülel (left) and Professor Karen Johnston, Professor of Organisational Studies at the University of Portsmouth and RE-WIRING Project member presenting at the House of Lords.

Dr Gülel said: “It was a privilege to speak at such a prestigious venue and to share insights and engage in very interesting discussions with women from diverse business backgrounds, who are committed to driving meaningful change.

“Events like these are crucial for raising awareness, fostering dialogue, and developing actionable strategies to advance gender equality in leadership. I look forward to continuing my research and advocacy efforts to dismantle systemic barriers, and create more inclusive workplaces where women can thrive and reach their full potential.

“Thank you to everyone who attended, to Professor Karen Johnston and to PWN London for their partnership. Let’s continue working together to create more inclusive and equitable workplaces for all.”

The RE-WIRING project is funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe programme, with UKRI funding to the University of Portsmouth.

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