LGBTIQ+ young people who were forced to leave home, ran away, and/or were homeless when they were children are being given the opportunity to share their stories as part of a new study
29 January 2025
5 minutes
Researchers in Portsmouth and their project partners are looking for LGBTIQ+ young people between 18-24 years old who went missing as children (before turning 18) in a European country or in the UK to take part in a new study.
As part of the LGBTIQ+ Missing Children project, the study will enable LGBTIQ+ young people the opportunity to share their stories of “going missing”, which is defined as having left or ran away from their home, having been forced to leave it, and/or having been homeless before turning 18.
Researchers will then use the experiences of the contributors to create training, awareness campaigns and policy recommendations that will further support LGBTIQ+ children and young people.
The two-year project is a collaboration between Professor Karen Shalev, a Professor of Missing Persons Studies at the University of Portsmouth, Missing Children Europe, and IGLYO — The International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer & Intersex (LGBTQI) Youth and Student Organisation.
Professor Shalev, from the University’s School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, said: “This study is really important as it will give LGBTIQ+ young people the voice to explain what they have experienced with the aim of helping LGBTIQ+ children who are going through similar things now.
“The study will also improve how we support them and prevent young people from going missing in the future. Every child deserves to be safe and feel safe.”
An episode of “going missing” can be seen as a signal of underlying issues, just as much as it can be the start of a period of marginalisation and exclusion, which can have a tremendous impact on an LGBTIQ+ child or young person throughout their lifetime. However, there is a lack of research in Europe on the relationship between being LGBTIQ+ and “going missing”, as defined by the project.
The study initially requires participants to undertake an online survey and/or take part in a semi-structured online interview. It is completely anonymous and available in Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, and Spanish.
Eligibility Criteria
- You identify as an LGBTIQ+ person;
- You are above 18 years of age;
- You went missing before turning 18 (as a child) in a European Union Member State or in the UK as per the definition below:
A “missing” child is typically defined as any person under the age of 18 whose whereabouts are unknown. In the context of this project, we consider that a child is “missing” when they leave their place of residence, either after deciding it or being forced to, either by informing those responsible for them of their location or not. This definition can be used to describe the situation of children who run away from their family home or main place of residence, or are being forced to leave it, among other situations. This definition is not exhaustive and can also include wider experiences, such as being homeless, living with other relatives, friends or foster families, being in the care of social services or foster care, being an unaccompanied asylum seeker, or being a victim of trafficking.
If you are interested in participating in the study or would like some more information, please visit the IGLYO website here.
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