Student performers at DVMission film festival

‘Team Tinsel’ won the ‘Best Film (Non Professional)’ award at the exciting gala event for their film The Planet McPlanetyface Chronicles.

19 April 2023

3 minutes

Film production students from the University of Portsmouth’ have won the best film award at the DVMISSION 48 Hour Film Challenge.

The film festival, which celebrated its 18th birthday this year, invited challengers to dive into their immersive story-world ‘Things to Come’ for the film screening and award ceremony, held at the Wedgewood Rooms. 

Prior to making a film in 48 hours, each group of filmmakers was given a line of dialogue, a title and a genre to make a 2-minute film. They also needed to include an alien or robot in the film. 

The student team ‘Team Tinsel’ won the ‘Best Film (Non Professional)’ award at the exciting gala event for their film The Planet McPlanetyface Chronicles. They were also nominated for ‘Best Sound Design’ as well as ‘Best Dialogue - How It was said’.  

On the awards night, we had a few nominations which bit by bit got us on edge, leading us to winning the Best Non-professional film which we didn’t expect! It was just a lot of fun painting ourselves green and shouting ‘pew pew’ in a forest on a Saturday.

Tom Hattam, Film director and BA (Hons) Film Production student

The students involved were Tom Hattam, Davey Ezra, Emily Langdon, Charlie Forrest, Alex Carpenter, Max McKenna and Tomi Vijenthrathas. The judges’ comments were “Great story, well-acted, loved the ‘pew pew’ space gun effects, good twist, very enjoyable, lots of detail.”

Film producer and BA (Hons) Film Production student, Tom Hattam, said: “It was quite surreal winning, our group entered the competition as a small hiatus from working on our graduate film ‘TINSEL’, currently in production. On the awards night, we had a few nominations which bit by bit got us on edge, leading us to winning the Best Non-professional film which we didn’t expect! It was just a lot of fun painting ourselves green and shouting ‘pew pew’ in a forest on a Saturday.” 

Picture of Team Tinsel

(l-r) Tom Hattam, Max McKenna and Emily Langdon from 'Team Tinsel'

Drama and Performance, and Musical Theatre students from the University of Portsmouth performed on stage at the awards ceremony and created the immersive entry into the Wedgewood Rooms, led by lecturers, Dr Phoebe Rumsey, Dr Ben MacPherson and Dr Matt Smith from the School of Art, Design and Performance.

The student performers were Grace Atwill, Jason Blunsdon, Asi Davidsson, Maisie Middleton, Luke Murphy, Ashley Stevens, Mathew Wiseman and Charlie Wingrove. Dr Vincent Adams from the University’s Graduate School also featured as a guest performer with the student cast.

Dr Ben Macpherson said: “It was great to collaborate with colleagues and students as part of this event. From dances to comedic sketches and original songs, our first-year students performed in front of 150 people, showcasing some excellent work as developing young professionals.”

Receiving the award on behalf of the team was the best experience. I could see the tremendous growth and passion each of them had and I wish they would have been with me to receive it. I like working with charities for the impact they make on people’s lives and joining Action Asylum was the best decision I made.

Ritah Namaganda, PhD Film and Television student

Ritah Namaganda, a PhD Film and Television student from the School of Film, Media and Communications was also at the event to collect an award on behalf of a team of young asylum seekers called ‘Shadow of the Mountain’ that she mentored in collaboration with Portsmouth City of Sanctuary and Action Asylum.

Ritah said: “Receiving the award on behalf of the team was the best experience. I could see the tremendous growth and passion each of them had and I wish they would have been with me to receive it. I like working with charities for the impact they make on people’s lives and joining Action Asylum was the best decision I made.” 

DVMISSION is sponsored by Creative Network South, the University of Portsmouth, and Camera Crate.

Ritah Namaganda with her award

Ritah Namaganda with her award.