In a special edition of Life Solved, we are celebrating the work of researchers across the University, by chatting to some of the brilliant minds featured in the new edition of SOLVE magazine
31 min read
A SOLVE Magazine Showcase
In a special edition of Life Solved, we’re celebrating the work of researchers across the University of Portsmouth, by chatting with some of the brilliant minds featured in the new edition of SOLVE magazine.
Our magazine shares in-depth articles and research highlights from across campus and in this episode, Dr Nils Niederstrasser explains the link between chronic pain and physical activity and how we can use these insights for health and well-being later in life.
We catch up with Professor Adrian Hopgood on how Artificial Intelligence could improve outcomes for bowel cancer surgery and hospital care before Dr Nizar Ibrahim shares his thoughts on new talent in a new era of international palaeontology.
Dr Patricia Shamai discusses the importance of public opinion, social media and grass-roots action in modern politics and warfare. Plus engineer Dr Jovana Radulocvic shares some important insights into the energy systems we could use in our homes in the near future.
You can download and read the latest copy of SOLVE magazine for free right now on this link.
You can find out more about this work and other research at the University of Portsmouth website: https://www.port.ac.uk/research/research-projects
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