Journalism and media writing

Explore our research into journalism and media writing

The impact of journalism and media on society is growing. From 'fake news' to conversations around the influence of social media, the common understanding of politics, social justice, human rights and civic engagement is changing. And there's an increasing need to study, follow and understand the relationship between media, citizens and stakeholders.

Our research covers media, politics and society across analytical, theoretical and methodological approaches. Political groups use our research to understand how digital media can foster new relationships with citizens, news organisations use our research to learn about digital innovations in journalism, and policy makers and stakeholders use our research to understand mechanisms of soft-censorship in journalism practices.

Our research topics:

  • Political communication
  • Journalism and human rights
  • Press freedom
  • Digital news and new forms of storytelling
  • Digital activism and citizenship
  • News production, representation and reception
  • Journalism education and pedagogy

We use quantitative research methods such as surveys, content and statistical analysis of new coverage in legacy media and social media platforms and audiences. Qualitative research techniques include ethnography, interviews, discourse and visual analysis, and framing analysis to explore the production and consumption of media. Our staff are also frequently invited to present their research to universities and professional bodies countrywide and overseas.

Collaborations and funders

We are active members of a number of professional academic associations, with extensive networks across journalism studies and political communication.

Among the researchers in this area, James Dennis is currently the Co-Convenor of the Political Studies Association Media and Politics Group, the leading research group for the study of political communication in the UK, while Susana Sampaio-Dias has worked for a number of years as ECREA (European Communication Research and Education Association) administrator, and is a consultant for the Journalists Association of Guinea-Bissau.

Recent funders of our research include the British Council and the ESRC (Economic and Social Research Council), and the Born Free Foundation.

Publication highlights

LifeSolved Episode 2

Podcast | Life Solved: How Politics Became Social 

Dr James Dennis explores how political behaviour is changing in the digital age in this episode of our Life Solved podcast.


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Our members

Paul Andrew Foster Portrait

Mr Paul Foster

Senior Lecturer


School of Film, Media, and Creative Technologies

Faculty of Creative and Cultural Industries

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Thomas Gerald Charlesworth Sykes Portrait

Dr Tom Sykes

Associate Professor in Creative Writing and Global Journalism


School of Film, Media, and Creative Technologies

Faculty of Creative and Cultural Industries

PhD Supervisor

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Discover our areas of expertise

Journalism and media writing is one of our two areas of research expertise in Journalism, Communication and Creative Writing – explore the other area below.

Creative writing

We're studying different kinds of writing, their benefits on wellbeing, and how societal issues can be presented and resolved through literature.

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Interested in a PhD in Journalism, Communication and Creative Writing?

Browse our postgraduate research degrees – including PhDs and MPhils – at our Journalism, Communication and Creative Writing postgraduate research degrees page.