Opening page of Late Victorian Gothic Tales

19th Century Literature and Culture

We're researching the relationship between literature and nineteenth-century culture

Our English Literature team have considerable expertise in British, American and global nineteenth century studies. Members of this subject area are currently engaged in research projects on celebrity, ecology, transatlantic literature, and nineteenth-century food cultures. Monographs have been published on Emily Dickinson, food and consumption, John Ruskin, Victorian detective fiction, and Tennyson.

Several researchers are also engaged in projects that focus on Portsmouth’s rich literary history. They've been involved in producing publications, arranging events and setting up websites that relate to writers such as Dickens, Conan Doyle and Tennyson, all of whom had connections with Portsmouth and/or the Isle of Wight. Researchers draw on the area’s wealth of nineteenth-century resources, including the Richard Lancelyn Green, Conan Doyle collection at the Portsmouth City Museum, the Charles Dickens Birthplace Museum and the City Archives. Members also have strong links with the Julia Margaret Cameron Trust: Dimbola Museums and Galleries.

Our varied research expertise feeds into undergraduate provision and postgraduate teaching, including the interdisciplinary MA Victorian Gothic and a range of doctoral projects.

Our research

Our members focus on research areas including:

  • Afterlives / biopics
  • Celebrity and hero-worship
  • Crime and detective fiction
  • Ecology and environmentalism
  • Food cultures, hunger and consumption
  • Periodical culture and popular fiction
  • Visual culture

Publication highlights

Research projects

Portsmouth Literary Map

Explore Portsmouth's rich literary heritage and contemporary literature scene through an interactive map and blog

Status of Charles Dickens in Guildhall square
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Our members

Mark Andrew Frost Portrait

Media ready expert

Dr Mark Frost

Principal Lecturer

School of Area Studies, Sociology, History, Politics, and Literature

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

PhD Supervisor

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Christopher Allan Pittard Portrait

Media ready expert

Dr Christopher Pittard

Senior Lecturer

School of Area Studies, Sociology, History, Politics, and Literature

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

PhD Supervisor

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Related research areas

Food Cultures in Transition (FOODCITI)

FOODCITI is a multidisciplinary research cluster, led by Professor Lisa Jack, aiming to make food and drink more sustainable.

Woman's hand picks up a green apple from a crate of green apples
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Heritage Hub

The Heritage Hub brings together researchers and professionals from across the university to tackle key issues in heritage and heritage conservation locally, nationally and internationally.

Royal Garrison Church in Old Portsmouth
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Related PhD projects

  • Vladislav Areshka: Emily Dickinson’s original New England pronunciation and rhymes

  • Jack Fox-Williams: 'Representations of Opium Addiction in nineteenth and twentieth century literature'

  • Eleanor Gillespie: 'The Contribution of Women to the Study and Culture of Ferns’

  • Jane Harrison: Celebrity culture in middle-class Victorian England: examining the archive
    and collecting of Emma Dent, 1823-1900

  • Cyrine Sinti: “Fortune-Telling, Witch-Doctoring, Love-Philtering, And Other Sorcery”:
    Living Through The Victorian Gypsy