REDPOL and Interreg logo

The aim of the REDPOL project is to develop innovative tools that can determine whether chemical pollutants in our environment interfere with the endocrine systems of wildlife.

These pollutants are known as endocrine disruptors. They can interfere with endocrine (or hormonal) systems in humans, causing cancerous tumours, birth defects and other developmental disorders, as well as impacting the wider environment.

Endocrine disruptors can cause reproductive, developmental and behavioural problems in wildlife and plant populations, leading to an imbalance in environmental health.

Building on a number of former RCUK and EU projects into the effects of pollution on marine and freshwater life, REDPOL aims to deliver 6 innovative products which will help address the issues of endocrine disruption. Behavioural, bio-mechanical and biomolecular tests will be developed to enable the identification of endocrine disrupter compounds (EDCs) in the environment and facilitate their elimination at source.

Of these, at least 2 will be developed into innovative products for the biotechnology market, to the level of either TRL7 (System Prototype Demonstration in Operational Environment) or TRL8 (System Complete and Qualified), which is one step before commercialisation.

The project will also map the endocrine effects on wildlife population over the FCE eligible area, applying the tests it has developed to analyse endocrine disruption on at least 30 sites on both sides of the Channel.

The project will allow networking and collaborative work between research institutions, industrial actors and territorial associations while implementing European regulations to protect people’s health, the environment and economic activities in the European area.


This project uses testing sites in France and England, including facilities at the Institute of Marine Sciences such as the floating research platform moored in Langstone Harbour, a 5.4m research vessel, the RV Calypso and the extensive laboratory facilities.


REDPOL has a total budget of €2.84 million, of which just under €2 million are financed by the European Regional Development Fund (EDRF) through the Interreg France (Channel) England program.

Project Budget: €2,8M
ERDF Amount:  €1,9M
Duration:  04/2020 - 06/2023 (38 months)

Project partners


  • Lead partner : Université le Havre Normandie (Seine Maritime)
  • TOXEM (Seine Maritime)
  • Université de Caen Normandie (Calvados)


  • University of Portsmouth (Hampshire)
  • University of Brighton (Sussex)
  • Chichester Harbour Conservancy (Hampshire)

Project members at the University of Portsmouth

Alex Ford Portrait

Professor Alex Ford

Professor of Biology

School of the Environment and Life Sciences

Faculty of Science and Health

PhD Supervisor

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