Your study space, sorted
Prepare, work at your best and feel in control
Whether you choose A levels, a vocational course or an apprenticeship, all these forms of study will involve work that doesn’t take place in the classroom. Having some study space at home is important to help you stay organised, feel motivated and be productive. This might be a physical desk in your bedroom or designated work space in your house. But it doesn’t need to be. It could be a dedicated corner of the living room, or a spot on the dining table and a shelf to pack all your things away when you’re finished.
Design your own study space task
It’s not just where you work that’s important. It’s also about the things you fill that space with, or the things you want to keep out of it. Creating boundaries between your study area and your relaxation area can be helpful to stay focused.
Use the task below to design your optimum learning space. Consider what helps you study and keeps you motivated. Then think about what might be a distraction to you – maybe you find it hard to stay off your mobile phone, so putting that away or leaving it in another room while you work might be a good idea.
How to get started
Use the drag and drop icons below to move things around the room.
During the task, you'll hear tips from current uni students on how they like to study. For Leonora, it’s important to keep studying and eating separate for example. For Matt, who likes listening to music, having his headphones nearby is useful.
Top tips for productive study time
Working at home relies on self-motivation, rather than having the classroom environment to keep you on task. It’s easy to get distracted or demotivated, so here's how you can stay productive:
- Find a balance – too much revision or study can lead to burnout. It’s important to find a balance between staying on top of your studies and taking a break.
- Mix things up – learning and revising in different ways will help keep you interested and motivated. Create a study plan that breaks down tasks into smaller chunks if things ever feel overwhelming.
- Get organised – if a whole study space isn’t a practical option for you, try to at least put together a ‘study box’ with all the resources you need to keep together.
- Reflect on what’s right for you – everybody learns and studies differently. You might prefer to study alone, or with friends. You may learn best by reading, or maybe you need to doodle or draw.
- Don't forget your social time – build in some social time during your day to help motivate you to stay focused when studying.