Portsmouth Pride Event

Proud supporters of LGBTQ+

We're committed to improving the representation, progression and success of our LGBTQ+ staff and students

We understand the importance of studying, working and living in a culture of inclusivity and acceptance, so you can thrive without barriers.

As a Stonewall Diversity Champion, we're dedicated to creating an inclusive workplace for all LGBTQ+ staff and extending the same values to all our students. We also sponsor Portsmouth Pride and the annual LGBTQ+ Film Festival run by Portsmouth Film Society.

Find out about the LGBTQ+ support, resources and activities available at the University, how we support the local community, links to local LGBTQ+ support services and groups, and read our reports and policies on equality and diversity, gender identity and expression, and dignity and respect.

Stonewall Diversity Champion Logo

LGBTQ+ support and resources at the University

LGBT+ student society

The Students' Union LGBT+ society is a safe place for all students to have fun, make new friends, attend events, run campaigns and discuss current LGBT+ issues.
Up for Uni Residential June 2018
Explore the society

Equality and Diversity Moodle resources

Resources for our students and staff, including short videos, policies and news covering all equality and diversity areas, including LGBTQ+ (login required).
Female employee wearing rainbow lanyard
Discover resources

LGBTQ+ careers support

Our students can get advice on how to identify positive employers, your rights during the recruitment process, and questions around disclosure and marketing yourself to employers. We have specific employment guides about gender, transgender identity and sexual orientation.
Meeting to support students
Go to the equality and diversity employment guide

Student Wellbeing Service

We offer our students advice and free, confidential support for emotional wellbeing, mental health, and personal and emotional concerns. Our advisers are experienced in providing confidential support to students around issues of sex, gender, sexuality and sexual orientation.
Students getting health and wellbeing support
Find out more


Rainbow Laces is a campaign supported by Stonewall that encourages sports teams to welcome the LGBT+ community. As part of LGBT History Month, the Students' Union supplies sports clubs with Rainbow Laces, flags and other LGBT+ merchandise to show their support during the month, and during Varsity Cup against the University of Southampton.
Student wearing trainers with rainbow laces
Find out more

University library LGBTQ+ blog

Our Library team write an LGBTQ+ blog with news about events and resources for staff, students and the local community.
L-0319-Library Shoot
Read the blog

Staff and student training

All students and staff can do the transgender e-learning package to better understand how to support gender diverse people. The package is provided by the Gender Identity Research & Education Society (GIRES).

We also provide Transgender Awareness training for staff as part of our learning and development training programme.

As part of our probationary training, all our staff are required to take part in the following equality and diversity training:

  • Diversity and inclusion in Higher Education
  • Unconscious bias awareness
  • Anti-bullying and harassment

Supporting the local community

Pride LGBTQ+ Film Festival

We sponsored the 8th Pride LGBTQ+ Film Festival again in 2021 to celebrate LGBTQ+ History Month in February.
FMC Screening - Photo of Attendees at screening
See the 2021 programme

Portsmouth Pride

After sponsoring Pride Portsmouth in 2019, we became a platinum sponsor in 2021, in partnership with the Students' Union. Our sponsorship includes supporting the Pride committee to help them expand and grow their activities.
Pride procession in Portsmouth
Visit the Portsmouth Pride website

As a University, we share Portsmouth Pride’s ethos of valuing equality and diversity. I’m delighted we can support a local event that showcases this ethos in our city and provides an opportunity for people to come together to celebrate, not only LGBTQ+ equality but respect and inclusion across all our communities.

Sherria Hoskins, University Executive Board (UEB) Equality and Diversity Champion, Civic Lead and Executive Dean for the Faculty of Science and Health

Portsmouth Pride 2019

Staff and students showed their support for LGBTQ+ equality at the 2019 Portsmouth Pride, which was proudly sponsored by the University of Portsmouth.

Footage from 2019 Portsmouth Pride, proudly sponsored by the University of Portsmouth. (No dialogue)

Local LGBT+ groups and support services

As a student, you'll always have the support of our Student Wellbeing Service, who can give you free, confidential support and signpost you to these services in the local area, which are also available to staff:

  • Breakout Youth – Hampshire and the Isle of Wight's Local LGBTQ+ support charity
  • Chrysalis –  a charity supporting transgender, non-binary and questioning people, their families and close friends
  • Hampshire LGBT+ Alliance – an alliance of Hampshire-based LBGT+ Networks
  • Isle of Wight Pride – annual Pride festival on the Isle of Wight
  • Portsmouth City Council LGBTQ Team – email them at for support as you explore your gender identity and/or sexuality
  • Y Services – projects and one-to-one support in Fareham, Gosport, Havant and Winchester 

Official policies and objectives

Explore policies and objectives that relate to LGBTQ+ equality at Portsmouth. Can't find what you're looking for? Search all our policies and standards or contact our Equality and Diversity team at

Equality and Diversity Policy Statement

Requirements of our organisation, staff and students in delivering our commitment to equality and diversity.
Equality and Diversity Policy Statement

Gender Identity and Expression Policy

Our dedication to the inclusion of all students and staff irrespective of how they choose to define themselves with regard to their gender identity.
Gender Identity and Expression Policy

Dignity and Respect Policy

Our commitment to delivering a working and learning environment of dignity and respect, free from harassment and bullying.
Dignity and Respect Policy

Equality Objectives

All areas of the University have their part in taking forward these objectives and supporting the proposed outcomes.
Equality Objectives

Reporting hate crime

Our Dignity and Respect policy asks all students and staff to take personal responsibility for reporting:

  • any incidents where dignity and respect is not demonstrated
  • incidents of bullying and harassment
  • any form of discrimination that they are aware of

Report and Support tool

Staff and students can use the Report and Support tool to submit an anonymous report of bullying, harassment, assault or a hate crime, or an informal report to request an adviser.

If you witness or experience any experience of harassment, bullying, violence or discrimination at Portsmouth, you can submit an anonymous report or an informal report to request an adviser. We also have a formal complaints procedure for all staff and students.

Visit the anonymous reporting tool

Be a part of our community

If you're looking for a new community to call home, whether to further your studies or start a new role, find the perfect course or job with us.

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Smiling female researcher
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Portsmouth Pride image by Goble Photography.